Toddler Curriculum

Toddlers are the very definition of the word “toddle.” They are learning to be steadier on their feet, but it’s very normal for them to still stumble and fall. Social relationships are learned at this age as well. While most toddlers do not know how to effectively communicate with their peers, biting, hitting, and pushing are common means of communicating their desire for personal space and their play-time wants. Toddlers are exploring the world of understanding and listening; learning to communicate effectively. Language development is key at this age. Toddlers also begin the earliest form of independence, feeding themselves. Finger foods become an essential part of meal time.

Toddler I, II, III Curriculum

Meet Your Teachers

Rut Gomez

Favorite Color:  Grey

Favorite Dessert:  Ice Cream

Favorite Quote:  “Take a risk, or lose a chance.” -Unknown

Jody Bennett

Favorite Color:  Green

Favorite Dessert:  Red Velvet Bundt Cake

Favorite Quote:  “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”-Dr. Seuss

Pam Leavitt

Favorite Color:  Blue

Favorite Dessert:  Apple Pie or Key Lime Pie

Favorite Quote:  “If you make a mistake, it can always be fixed.” – Unknown

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